BaaBaa Black

Wow. Not sure what to say about that finale.

I liked it, but there was a certain element of the climax that was so low budget that it pulled me out of the movie for a few secs.

He's referring to Thor's comics origin where Odin put Thor's spirit in the body of a mortal doctor with a crippled leg as a lesson in humility. He could transform into Thor in emergencies but he couldn't lose contact with the hammer for more than one minute as it would cause him to turn back into Blake.

I guess you never saw The Dark Backward.

With the time compression of other realms he could still spend plenty of time at Brakebills. The scale was like 6 hours in the other worlds = six weeks on earth right?

True, but they made the somewhat bizarre choice of having her wear skirts in a way that makes them almost minis. Its like she aims for pilgrim but then decides that shes gotta show her legs off.

I've watched all of 30 mins of Breaking Bad. Gave up on it after the pilot put me to sleep twice.

I love Emily a million times more now.

When I was 16 that label would have applied to a dozen of my classmates.

Nope. Back then I directed what little mail I was getting to my grandparents house since that was my after-school destination, and it limited the chances of my parents intercepting any of it.

I think that the only things I was ordering back then were get rich quick related things from the ads in Popular Science.

Successful women are often unfairly denigrated, but that doesn't absolve a successful woman from being called out for wrongdoing.

That is why Firefox with NoScript is still one of the best combos for keeping your browsing nuisance-free.

For reasons that remain unknown to me to this day, I began receiving catalogs from two different mail-order porn retailers when I was about 12. I remain thankful that my struggle was getting to the mailbox first.

You sure that didn't change? Logged on there a few weeks ago after around two years of forgetting it existed. Seemed like every video heavy user or group that I had favorited was cleaned out.

Its a funny thing about MILFs as a category. Under its literal meaning anything involving a woman at or above the age of consent could count, like the movie starring Farrah from whichever Teen Mom counts, but the mental image many associate with it is more or less Stifler's Mom.

"Rich for someone who is talking about Swift's "constantly morphing rationalization" to be talking about overinvestment."

Or maybe you're too invested in what you think Swift represents to acknowledge that there is something off about having a constantly morphing rationalization for releasing statements saying that you never approved of a song that you at least partially approved of.

Norton's a blast from the past. There was a point in the 90's where I would see his face and immediately wonder "Why is he beating up Cynthia Rothrock this time?

Mandvi didn't want the job.