BaaBaa Black

World of cardboard speech?

It was followed by a RIP Pack of Jackals Newswire though.

This will be less cult-y. Possibly.

Regardless of whether you as a comic reader are happy with the choices made, they were made for the sake of an easier to follow narrative. Were the choices the best possible ones? I have no idea.

Yes and no. I think this adaptation mostly works as is, but I find the Old West bits irritating as I have no idea what their relevance is as I have not read the comic. That annoys me because I have a feeling that the show assumes non-reading viewers will retain more of that particular storyline than we actually will.

Adaptations aren't made for comic fans, they're made for the average viewer. And the average viewer expects to be able to follow a narrative from its start to its logical conclusion.

I wouldn't call it good, but it is entertaining.

I'd say that Killjoys has a decent budget. You might occasionally be aware that some place they visit is probably an office building, but nothing egregious.

While I liked all of S1 of Dark Matter, I felt that it didn't really pick up until a bit past the middle of the season.

Ah. The top image wasn't loading with the article the last time I checked this.

What's ridiculous about the poses? One woman is punching, the other is standing still on badly drawn feet.

The point is that she is constantly misusing the word deadbeat.

Not really. Deadbeat means that they aren't providing for their kid. The scenario from the song is about a guy who is providing for his kid, but isn't spending any time with him.

Not sure, but I think he was the one with a boat.

Thanks for providing warnings for Wynonna Earp and The 100, Fowle. Would have been nice if there were warnings about the others shows' plot points that would be discussed.

I'm 99% certain that was written by Jay-Z.

I'm willing to forgive the Arrowcave guided tours since I feel like it was responsible for some of the funnier interactions between Teams Arrow and Flash.

When people start insisting that the only reason to be against a movie is the make up of its cast, then you will end up with a lot more commentary on the movie even when its unearned.

How can he not be in the room with himself? Is this some kind of existentialism thing?

Or because it just doesn't look like it will be any good.