BaaBaa Black

Hmm. I like season three but I agree on those points.

What is the major issue for people with season 3? Just finished it and i'm wondering a bit about the hate it gets here.

Makes you wonder how much better or worse it would have done if Fox didn't have health problems.

Definitely the second thing here.

Right now its probably brown butter pecan cookies for me.

I continue to stand adjacent to what I said, but i'm moving it about ten feet away. I need my space.

Mostly agree, though I remained a fan and a viewer. I think the smugness came from too much playing to the audience as a lot of conservative voices that avoid left-leaning shows tended to go on Stewart's Daily Show because they felt that he treated them fairly.

There was another more recent one. I forget its subject atm though…

Didn't Schaal get a formal on show send-off some time ago? Pretty sure its official since the new redheaded lady has taken over her bits.

Desi has been around recently. Her break was likely due to the new baby.

Not really following…is your gripe that he wasn't more respectful of the dead mass-murderer when making a fairly cheap "women are security experts when they think their SO is cheating" joke? Just trying to get your issue with that one because i'm lost here.

Pretty sure CC offered and she declined.

I stand adjacent to what I said.

It was a Newswire.

Yes and few on this site.

Greta Van Susteren.

It wasn't an immediate phase out. They tried merging the Ultraverse with parts of the Marvel universe, like having the Black Knight join the Ultraverse equivalent of the Avengers, and they did a lot of shuffling around with other characters. They had Mantra become a teen girl, Prime changed his look, I think they did

It now dawns on me that we could end up with Ultraverse characters in the MCU at some point since Marvel bought Malibu way back when.

Yeah. I still remember a few conversations I had with my friends about sex and what we thought it was like…wow, are those embarrassingly dumb in retrospect.

I can recall being fairly knowledgeable about HIV and AIDS in my teens between multiple Sex Ed classes and the flood of afterschool specials/very special episodes that were out by the middle of the 90s.