BaaBaa Black


We also know that GoT slave traders don't think particularly highly of knights as fighters unless they've killed Dothraki, so i'm thinking that fight could be considered an exception.

I spent a lot of time there and I didn't know the specifics of it, just that it referred to gay pairings.

Whether the film would have been better with a different punchline is a different argument from the one that is/was being had here.

Your earlier posts said that the trans portion of the movie should have been left out as it would have been offensive to enough of the audience to be an issue. My point is that enough of the audience found those jokes acceptable at the time that making that a plot point would have been acceptable at that time.

The issue here was your insistence that people gave enough of a damn about the trans community when Ace Ventura came out that making jokes about being trans wouldn't be acceptable. They didn't, and Ace Ventura was hardly the only piece of media of that era that treated the idea of being trans as some weird sexual

Swans Crossing. IMDb says he was only in three eps but that isn't how I remember things.

"The problem with looking at the standards of time time is even at the time people knew this sort of shit was unacceptable."

No Biloxi Blues?

Airborne…the movie I watched solely because its star was also the star of one of the teen soap operas I watched.

By virtue of having Cameron Diaz with her original look, it is impossible for that movie to be the worst anything.

For me it was after I read this sentence.

A lot of things look bad if you compare the social standards of the time to modern ones. Try watching Hill Street Blues now, for an example. It was progressive for its time but its very questionable by today's standards. Or watch In Living Color. That show went to the well of gay jokes reguarly.

Danny Pino's senator seems like the type who wouldn't rock the boat of anyone who gives to his campaign.

The second was worth watching for Idris Elba's final scene.

For me, the break point was the "Hank-Med gets in bed with the mob" story arc. I just couldn't keep watching.

Jill left in season four.

Trying to make covert affairs serious was a misstep. Piper Perabo was hard to buy as a secret agent on a lighthearted show, let alone a serious one.

Nvm mixed up cancelled shows.

I thought our last update was the engagement being called off because Cersei decided to marry Lollys off to another knight?