BaaBaa Black

I've played all the SRs other than GooH and I enjoyed SR2 the most. I remember SR2 feeling much larger than SR3 and SR4. I also found the story much more engaging.

I think both of them have a "must be Tuesday" look in the poster.

God believes in The Process.

He was good in that…I should probably finish it one day.

I think that last sentence explains the survival of many of these shows.

No, Naked and Afraid delivers on its title.

Pleasantly surprised to see my state doesn't have Duck Dynasty, Chrisley Knows Best, or anything involving child pageants listed.

It was a while ago, but I think I went through my list of active filters and deactivated them one by one until the login button appeared.

When that has happened to me its been an ad-blocker issue of some kind.

Sarah Shahi comes off as a plausible shit-kicker at 5'3" so i'm not seeing a problem.

TV only person here. I felt like he was doomed as soon as he tied the knot.

Well, Chicago Hope did find a way to show Elise Neal topless without censoring on primetime TV.

Way too much of the crowd seemed to not like the fact that she would not be walking for me to think that he was right about that.

I was thinking something similar but the Jaqen reveal would be followed by the Waif removing her face and revealing that she's really Nymeria, then she bites Jaqen's face off for keeping Arya from looking for her.

Yeah. Having things be that conveniently connected feels wrong for this show.

Something is probably there. The problem is that people on both sides are fairly invested in finding results that prove their assumptions.

Or it could have nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with how the change seems to be designed to cash in on a public that is more aware of social issues.

Agree all around. This piece feels like the author just wanted to take a shot at people for vocally disliking the GB remake idea and Rolfe was a convenient target.

Or that our equivalent was trading progs and talking to people out state on AOL.

Celia wasn't planning to poison Daniel as she believed he was already at death's door. She probably was planning on sticking him in the cage with the others after he turned though.