BaaBaa Black

The guy who set the fire was having a mental breakdown so he wasn't going to think about the situation rationally. Beyond that, taking the Abigail compound for themselves wasn't really an option since the cultists had all the weapons and a numbers advantage.

Strand's yacht was built for the show.

I knew a Mychal when I was in high school.

Samuel L. Jackson has been on the show twice. Why are the other stars somehow a ridiculous expectation?

A character from SyFy's Defiance who was very skilled at deception, manipulation, and assassination.

Jenny was given a vague write out that basically removed her from the cast but left her open to pop-up in the future.

You're welcome.

Strand's still alive. Nothing of note happened after that.

You're assuming the worst. He might have been trying to surprise them with new haircuts to make up for the whole 'nearly letting step-mom die' thing.

The problem is that the conversation takes the form of a public trial that the accused can never really defend themselves in, and you end up with a bunch of people patting themselves on the back for assuming that the accusation is true, even when their is enough information to cast doubt on the validity of the

Hey, someone else who watched Residue! If it stays on Netflix there might be 5 of us by year's end.

I'm hoping that Madison's choices are part of a bigger story about her slowly being forced to admit that the world isn't going to go back to normal. Otherwise she just appears to be amazingly obtuse.

It was the pregnant woman.

It was more of a cranking-ish motion, akin to working a speedbag with one hand, than a jerking motion.

When are we going to get a pic of the bikini that Mariska Hargitay wears in this one?

Bebop is probably one of the few that would translate well without requiring major rewrites.

Ben's wife was suffering from Alzheimer's so badly that she needed full time care, so she probably isn't allowed to drive and would likely have no need of it.

Nick was sent to shore to retrieve the new sniper guy well before the pirates showed up.

Strand reads more as pragmatic and self-interested than evil to me.

Agree on Travis. All of Radio Boy's talking up of Connor has me thinking he's an apocalyptic cult leader type, which possibly means his plans for Alicia be more in line with re-population than keeping Radio Boy happy.