BaaBaa Black

The interracial label is consistently applied to anything involving a black person with anyone who isn't black or brown.


Yeah. I think they missed an opportunity by not casting a black Ron Swanson.

Alex killed the husband and wife with the knitting needle after Jake tossed it to her.

Yeah…swords are the only thing you mentioned that are actually a part of the show.

He should have been informed since his mother passed the info along to Madison and Travis, but there is no telling with these people.

You have to destroy the brain if you want them to stay dead.

Not necessarily. Its when someone does it a lot that I could see someone else potentially getting that idea.

It was probably all of the referring to various people as 'race gender-pronoun'.

I somewhat agree in principle but choosing something barely recognizable as a female representation, on a poster that has other intentionally poor humanoid representation, is a bad example.

I'm surprised Danette didn't quote Ofelia's burn on Nick about not wanting the geriatric chic look.

Kinda wish I wasn't watching S2 of The 100 on Netflix atm. Every time Alicia locks eyes with someone I want her to go full Lexa.

-They already know everyone is infected thanks to Travis's dead ex-wife whose name I forget.

Its easier to identify with someone going to extremes for the good of his family than to trust a guy who seems to have a lot of secrets.

I think you need clarification on whose boat that is.

I chose this when I remembered that GoT comments are pretty much off-limits here if you don't want book info.


It undermines the point by being a selection of polygons and not a person. Its complaining about the objectification of a collection of objects.

So…are we supposed to ignore the presence of a Minions poster and take this all completely seriously?