BaaBaa Black

Editors control everything.

I think Karen's patriarchy comments were were fine, it was a reasonable but misplaced reaction to her perception of being restricted due to gender bias. I would say that its less likely that they have a secret sexist, and more that their writer(s) wanted to take shots at people who are too quick to judge innocent acts

Both shows have had more than a single person of color. Maybe i'm misunderstanding your meaning or something.

That's why I said 'most of them'.

I don't think they showed him smoking his drugs at any point.

This is the single most bizarre recurring complaint about this show. Do review and recap sites draw a lot of census workers or something?

That would be risky as anyone listening in might also go there, like the pirates or whoever.

Strand probably thinks they can be useful in the future. In a situation like theirs it would probably be useful to have a small group of allies that feel somewhat indebted to you, even better if they seem to be the type that aren't likely to stab you in the back and take your boat. Most of them anyway.

People can have differing opinions. I fully get that Jacob has rubbed quite a few people the wrong way. I still enjoyed his recaps. Could be because I never had the opportunity or misfortune of communicating with him directly.

I found Jacob more entertaining than not usually. He could get into his own head too much at times though.

The good alternatives came after TWoP and died before TWoP. I still miss original recipe Best Week Ever.

The True Blood recaps were great. The reviewer managed to connect some of the crazy in that show to larger points about life experieces without coming off as pretentiously as you might imagine a recapper that does those things would. And he managed to keep things funny as he did.

To add onto the other TWoP complaints the mods there seemed to target any user who dared raise a complaint, legit or otherwise. I remember getting banned after I asked for a thread cleanup. The offenses cited in the nastygram I received were mostly from posts that were months old.

I think more people outside of the south would know Hardees' than Bojangles.

True, but its not something that can be blamed on the internet.

Rape via coercion makes both relatively truthful statements. Not saying that is what happened as I have no more knowledge of what happened than anyone else who skims articles about things that are depressing as fuck.

I hate interview retcons with a passion. Saying something was meant figuratively in an interview that we can safely assume at least half of the viewers won't read, if the viewers even know of its existence, after showing us what appeared to be a literal representation is the worst possible way of handling any change.

The breakfast comment could also have been for comedic effect, but who ever heard of an AV Club poster typing something for an intentional laugh?

They showed Claire in Matt's perspective in S1. He can definitely "see" faces. Things just tend to be red tinted due to his sensitivity to temp along with everything else.

Its a well-written but not well thought out argument. The author seems to not understand that much of Tony's character is that of a charming asshole womanizer, and chose to overlook that the film treats that as a character flaw that Fury and Romanov chose to exploit to accomplish their goals.