BaaBaa Black

If you're living with your parents past 25 you really don't need a song to make you feel like crap about it.

Yeah, nothing like being 17-19 and having girls who also get all their dough from their parents call you out for not having a car.

"Holler" in that sense isn't about catcalling. In the 90s it was slang for talking to someone.

These articles always irritate me. On one hand i'm against discrimination. On the other, i'm bothered by this story having no details beyond "____ loses out on role to someone younger." I can easily believe it was in fact ageism, but it also feels like i'm being led to that opinion by a lack of details.

I was fond of the cop from MKII.

What isn't?

Bad guys have to stay regular to crap out the concentrated evil they use for various things.

If he turned he wouldn't be laying in bed with a fever and having conversations.

No, its actually safer to help his addiction taper off as going cold-turkey is high risk and they are already starting to see emergency services become unreachable. The dumb part is that she just gave him the stuff without controlling his use of it.

She's written in a way that says she would go charging off to save her bf anyway, but yeah informing her would have been a good step to take.

Since when do Subways have ketchup?

I can actually imagine anyone with that being a minor league baseball player.

Headline should have read "Saints Row's Daniel Dae Kim"

Going by their attempt to get him to talk about his dealer, they probably wrote it off as a bad trip and hoped they could get him to rat his then unknown dealer out.

Wilson not Watson.

The fake Pope? The descendant? The helicopter?

The funny thing about that was Darryl and a few others started to figure it out before Rick told them.

I just took that to mean "take him to the morgue."

Maybes are important. Maybe her kid just had another in a long stream of fuckups, but maybe her kid was in actual need of help that was completely unrelated to said past fuckups. Either way letting someone who could be considered in any form not mentally competent be questioned by the cops while under the effect of

Yeah, how dare she put her kid's well being first. She should have definitely let the cops question her kid even if a hospital worker thinks could be in the middle of either a psychotic break or a bad trip no matter what the consequences of that would be for him.