BaaBaa Black

I wouldn't replay the second. It made me annoyed at how short the two follow-ups were by comparison.

Going off subject for a bit, I always found that riddle to be as dumb as the "What cows drink" one because they can both get incorrectly answered due to misconceptions triggered by wording rather than being proof of particular beliefs.

I get that, I just find the price issue a bit odd. Its true that local places tend to have higher prices, but its odd to me to call them overpriced when most of their competition tends to either be big chains that have supply deals and infastructure that allow them to have lower prices, or local places with similar

Overpriced based on what? I'm hoping you aren't comparing their prices against the big names.

Sure you aren't confusing "have sex" with "attempt maintaining a relationship with"?

Its a decent show. It deals with special powers to some extent but I would put it closer to say Supernatural than Alphas. Its has its dull points but also a lot of charm. I like it a lot because they have one of the more interesting takes on the idea of the love triangle.

The show never had any mutants or superheroes.

It was all about that implant she stuck in Yewll's neck. One of the commands she gave was "protect my interests", which can be interpreted as anything from 'silence anyone who gets too close to my plans' to 'break me out if I get captured/imprisoned'. No further instruction was needed.

I'm not certain that is correct. Darlene's ex said that the Dark Army changed its plans before they left for Steel Mt.

FB = Facebook

I can't speak for the book, but I recall Norton missing his brain with that shot in the film. He symbolically killed Tyler by being fully determined to end himself to end Tyler when he pulled the trigger.

I think Benedict Cumberbatch is tied with Tuppence Middleton for that.

Stahma never bathes naked. She always has a white, somewhat lingerie like, bathing suit on. Otherwise completely agree.

If we are going to call anyone "stubborn in white" it would be DJ Alak Tarr for refusing to contemplate the notion that his mother had no choice about killing Christie. I get that he saw his mother kill his wife, but it seems crazy that he is choosing to forget that Stahma has been the one to support him in all

I got the Rick Ross thing. Just clarifying the name since I thought you were curious.

Nope. Just B.

Its particularly hilarious when it leads to questionable creative choices.

The show tried to treat it as horrible for about five minutes then tried to forget it. It was more respectful treatment than expected since the show runner seemed to think it was funny and went on record saying that it was payback for the character being a slut or some such.

Tara could have been good if they gave the actress more to do than shout incoherently.

Nah, no chance he'll bulk up enough. It's a shame because he's the only person that no one would bat an eye at if he shouted "Sweet Christmas!"