BaaBaa Black

Me too, but if we were Tyrell we probably would have only done it to go Ric Flair on him and use it like a brass knuckle.

Heh. Guess I wasn't the only one who started thinking about Schrödinger as he walked up to the trunk.

You thinkin WV or Texas?

Her one successful contribution was the distraction, but she started the ep by planting USB drives with a worm at a police station. That plan would have worked if she had been given enough time to make her own malware instead of grabbing someone else's stuff.

Much of that came from connecting tropes being used so often alongside that one that people started linking the two. The incident that the trope was named for didn't involve any de-powering.

I could link you to TVTropes but you haven't done anything wrong.

Upvoted for effort in tagging

I had the impression that they noticed but they knew better than to interfere.

Calling the cops would have saved her for the short term but odds are both Elliot and Shayla would have become targets after that.

I think Vera's mindset makes him see things like killing his brother as maintaining his harmony with the universe and not something to be that bitter over.

Vera probably thinks they're tied together by fate.

I already miss Shayla. Shaw really made her work.

But if he didn't talk to strangers he wouldn't get any free candy.

I could be wrong but I don't recall Darlene saying it in this ep.

Didn't the "month old" remark come from Angela during the dream sequence in ep 3?

Save it for the inevitable Gymkata remake.

The HUB was running Jem for a while, no idea if its still on the network post rebrand.

I remember some guy at Wizard complaining that Cain looked too Greek.

He was mostly liked in the role from what I recall, but there was some dissent. I remember some writer back then complaining that Cain looked too greek. I think it was someone with Wizard or possibly another magazine of the time.

I'm willing to give them a pass on Elliot getting the tour since he had already passed through one layer of security to get that far and, thinking of my experiences at a office that was secure but not at Steel Mountain's level, people often assume that you're in the clear if the gatekeeper let you pass.