BaaBaa Black

And they could fire him for those things. Proving criminal conduct in those acts isn't as simple.

I don't think there would be a prison sentence for Ollie. Infecting your job's network with malware isn't a crime. They would have to connect what he did to something that could be prosecuted and prove intent on his part.

DM has been rough at times but its starting to get interesting. I'm hoping we'll get to delve more int who the farm boy was as that story feels like it could take an interesting turn.

My interest in the android is limited by my leftover annoyance with Zoie Palmer from Lost Girl.

Copeland has been great on SyFy's Haven so i'm looking forward to…probably not watching his performance in this. Just can't get myself to try another CW superhero show.

Vince McMahon i'd guess.

Calling out a TV network for caring about ratings is like calling out a bank for hoarding money. Don't pretend you suddenly care about the purity of TV producers' motives.

Unfortunately its more about cloaking bigotry. A few of the comment sections i've seen elsewhere have gotten into a circle jerk about a murderer getting a courage award for plastic surgery.

Also, they have no understanding about the level of bravery involved in opening up about yourself to others when you know that you are considered different from much of the world.

I like the original idea because it implies that this part of the story is like a beta or alpha version.

Sounded like Keith David to me.

Oh man. I totally forgot where I remembered that laugh line from. I might have to give this a rewatch.

Brian Benben was the star of Dream On. Arli$$ was Robert Wuhl.

I think its an interesting idea even if the writer wasn't allowed to go with his original plan of having all the S1 eps numbered as 0.x.

It was a reference to the promise Elliot made to his father. He betrayed his father by telling his mother about the cancer.

It was probably one of those "for the audience" moments that tend to make characters look dumb.

I had the feeling that she was trying to come up with a plan to get the disc. She isn't gonna let her boyfriend's so-called conscience stop her from protecting her and her father's assets and info.

Huh. Didn't think anyone cared enough to keep up with what he does.

Jay Mariotti? Wow, guess you haven't watched in what, five-ish years?

I find Highly Questionable and Around the Horn to be worth checking out usually. PTI is ok when they aren't complaining about today's athletes.