BaaBaa Black

The scooter, being far smaller than the bus, had the advantage in maneuverability. If Capheus hadn't turned the bus when he did the guy on the scooter would have been able to get past him.

How could Capheus have realistically worked out that problem without bloodshed? The only thing he could give them that might have made them happy was Kabaka's little girl, and even if he did there is no guarantee they wouldn't have killed him to rebuild their rep from that public humiliation he gave them back in ep 3.

Not to mention that they probably had no intentions of letting Capheus go. They're a gang that wants to be known as the number one badasses in the area and Capheus is the guy who beat up on a number of them in public.

Assuming the movie can fix the unreadability of the early part of book two, sure.

I'm in the US. When each of my sisters gave birth they went to a birthing center, which are similar to hospitals except for focusing on one thing.

As Lito mentioned, Wolfgang predicted the entire encounter with his cousin. So he definitely knew he was going to need a weapon that would keep the cousin from escaping.

I get the feeling that Riley's Dad and his pals have done way way stronger stuff in the past.

If you mean the ep 7 scene where Whispers killed the surgeon while controlling the lobotomized guy, that shouldn't matter as Nomi didn't see him face to face. Otherwise he wouldn't have needed to catch up to her at Amanita's Mother's house.

I guess I would contribute random trivia knowledge, moderate gaming skills, and mastery of rolling papers.

"The Machine" from WMAC Masters also appeared in the first Mortal Kombat movie. He was one of the unnamed opponents that someone had to fight to advance.

Any time you post about something that has not happened up to the point that is being discussed it is a spoiler. Period. Vagueness doesn't matter.

I can understand when people slip-up and misremember which episode an event happened in. It's an entirely different matter when someone says something like "man I loved when ____ happened in the final ep" without so much as an attempt at a spoiler warning.

Semi-questionable tattoo selection.

I don't know what it means for Sense8 in terms of renewal, but topics relating to the cast being under contract for 5 seasons and the writers having plotted this show out all the way to the S5 finale are popping up in the Sense8 subreddit.

I'm guessing how it was taught had as much to do with what school or school district you ended up in.

Seriously. Its a severe pain in the ass to follow comments on Netflix shows because of all the people that binge the shows and feel obligated to talk about the last few eps in every single episode discussion.

I don't think Kala cares about "the institution of the love match" but I do think the rest of what you said is correct.

The main theory i've seen regarding Lito is that his interactions are limited because he's a bit self absorbed.

They did a very convincing contrast between Capheus's mom being pregnant in the flashbacks and sick in the present.