
6" is pretty high. There are some stock cars which couldn’t clear that.

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

Consolidated Ideal TeamVentures

Well, I wouldn’t lose my head over it. 

It’s not just AirBB. It almost all on-line real estate listings these days.

15,000,001 stars for you. No one’s gonna beat this comment. Y’all can go home now.


Though it doesn’t seem to be widely in the news, the picture of where he ultimately got pulled over just makes the whole story.

I mean, I wrote roughly 1,100 words explaining why I thought it was a good point. You can read those words here if you’re interested.

I think they were all in the dragon pit when Dany and Jon brought the wight down to show Cersei.

We saw the least famous brother sneak on the court last night. Shemp Curry.

Sev Curry can keep playing though

Steve Curry should go ahead and let his twin Steph do all the basketballing from now on, thanks.

The show is dark and full of errors? Ehh????

You will be sent off to fight the Kodan Armada.

My other theory about Cercei’s potential demise involves her baby being stillborn ... and then ... ... eek!

My bet is with Littlefinger’s face.

Three seasons is usually the point where the actors start to renegotiate their contracts and ask for more money.

trying to shift the blame on the consumers I see. 

“Bad Tattoo” was the title of my failed treatment for a Fantasy Island reboot.