
All currencies are a construct of human perception. The value of gold, paper money, this lint I have in my pocket, it’s all relative in value to what we can (for the most part) agree on. Bitcoin is no different. Its more abstract and newer therefore harder to establish consistency and uniformily agreed upon value… I

Hey - lots of workplaces closed for Ronald Reagan. They just never reopened…

ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen

Dany’s armada lands at Dragonstone and she’s going to realize she left her oven on and so they’re all going to have to go back.

I think a bunch of people will die.

Dany’s unexpected visitor is Ser Pounce, who will declare for Dany since Tommen isn’t around to feed him fish anymore.

People on the island had evidently been saying for years that this is what happened, and no one really believed them.

It’s probably got something to do with you seeing a headline in 2013, putting it in your pocket, and then never looking at global warming headlines again, or bothering to take a look at any data. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of you not realizing that the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1998.

I know this is a terrible way to feel, but I’m not as sad as I should be that deniers will be hurt far worse by this.

Little do we all know, MacGregor has spent the last 8 years developing a resistance to iocane powder.

No idea. It has so many flaws and bugs, but I go back every major revision and 10-100 hours in between.

Depends on how you define “made”, because the game is still in early access last I checked. That means that they are still funneling sales money into the game’s development. Basically revenue is not the same as net profit.
For all we know the game can still end up being a commercial failure by the time it is done, if

I recently read a story on Reddit about the nice guy who was dating the hot chick. She suggested they get naughty and tried to encourage him to talk dirty during sex. He came out with, “How you like that, you fucking retard?!” Baby steps.

This is lies, he actually sounds like Gilbert Gottfried

We bought a tub of coconut oil a while back, it’s almost done now.

Star Trek fans know Nicholas Meyer as the director of arguably inarguably the best film in the franchise, 1982's The Wrath of Khan

If he was a Golden Girl he’d be Petty White.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

The crossover is really just a shit or get off the pot kind of deal. It’s either a sedan with worse gas mileage or a SUV with less storage space. Shit or get off the pot and pick one or the other. The crossover is a terrible compromise and they look ugly to boot.