
More people need to get this game because I want more cards.

More people need to get this game because I want more cards.

$1.13 million is Kickstarter territory. I would gladly support one to outbid this douchenozzle.

I’ve been commenting here just as long, and guess what?

I think Ran may be the most beautifully filmed movie ever. Where I live, the sky always looks like Ran sky so I’m constantly reminded of it.

My oldest is a goddamn Fortnite savant, but he’s always pestering me for v-bucks.

You deserve all the stars.

80 years ago it was brown shirts.

Showers and deodorant are nice, but the important thing to remember is....

The answer is Miata.

Nice to know someone else figured out the epsom salt trick.

I don’t need a spoon

So..... you play Fortnite?

IT in general should be unionized. The games industry is pretty egregious in its exploitation, but it isn’t alone.

In my day, school was for sleeping off hangovers. Fortnite is a step up in my book.

I’m also car shopping, and would consider a CTS-V or ATS-V, but they are just too dang expensive. If Cadillac wants market share, they have to offer some value.

The “exploit” requires physical access also?

Came here to see Baker Street. Was not disappointed.

I have the obligatory Bernie sticker on my WRX, but I want ones that say “It’s not a speedbump. It’s a jump!” and “It’s not a traffic circle. It’s a chicane!”

That’s the implication behind opening a boutique in Old Town. It’s a Humboldt County joke. We have a name for it but it’s not very nice.

Stoned drivers are the worst. They’re always driving 5mph below the speed limit and stopping at the roundabouts when there’s no traffic. Fatalities occur when the person behind one suffers an uncontrolled cerebral detonation.