
You left out a few.

I see where you are coming from, and you are right. I have systems that I’m not allowed to patch for various reasons that I have no control over and they have been compromised.

Work on a MJ farm in Humboldt County? If by “work” they meant “look hot in yoga pants and open a boutique in Old Town” then it would make sense.

The book was pretty awesome and I’m glad it’s finally making it to the screen.

Wow. Nunes is just making shit up. He deserves the Joseph Goebbels award for Best Big Lie in a Congressional Committee Setting.

All the stars for “Ran when parked”

This is mostly spot on. I don’t agree with his stance on exploit transparency though. Usually when an exploit is found, the software maintainers are notified well before the public to give them a chance to fix the problem before the exploit is published.



Damn! I had this idea about two years ago, but I called it fitcoin.

Why can’t car companies make cars that look like this any more?

Why don’t they just take it out of Schedule I? Then there won’t be a need for an arbitrary AG policy that may change at any time.

My advice to Lost is:

Why can’t they just renew the cert, or install a new one?

I love it except for that damn screen. It looks like it blocks too much view.

Open. Source.

No. Open source electronic voting now.

Arya should cut Littlefinger off at the knees and go after Robin Arryn instead. Then Littlefinger has no power whatsoever.

It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure Brienne gets killed in the books.

I’m white, male and straight and don’t have a problem with the editorial content. Grow a pair.

Portland, OR. Everybody’s doing it. Tell them you are from California.