

If it had just been legalization at the federal level, it might have an ice cube’s chance in hell of passing, but with all that other stuff about reparations and defunding prisons it has absolutely no chance of passing.

Well, now I know where my 11 year old has been getting all the colossally stupid shit he does.

In the books, one of those is not on the safe list.

It was stupid, but I used to catch bats with my bare hands when they’d come into my house.

I dunno. People only clap when there’s a huge fucking crosswind and no visibility. That seems reasonable to me.

Any time my kids say “It’s like Overwatch!”, I have to correct them and say “No. It’s like Team Fortress 2.”

What the hell is it with 7dtd? I can’t stop playing it. It’s become like zen meditation for me.

Looked offside to me, but it was close.

Ran when parked

I have a friend in the Bay Area that had one of these. I wonder if it is the same car.

“At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

I still have my PS2 just for Katamari Damacy. You can’t play that on the PS4.

What needs to happen now is we need to make climate deniers pay. We as a market have to push even harder for carbon neutral energy and transport. Trump can dig up all the coal he likes and then look like a total shitheel when there is no market for it.

I live in Humboldt County and see this shit all the time. That kid was ston’dt the beejzus.

101 doesn’t turn into 1. You can make it all the way to So. Cal. on 101, where it turns into the Ventura Freeway.

I was kinda thinking NP until I saw the rear end and scissor doors.

That made me cry.

You guys should make a list of all the things you have called or described Donald Trump as being. I think that would be a great article and resource to have.