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    Exactly. All he did was weaponize a system that was incredibly porous, during a time when there was heavy social pressure for women to be “nice.” If you can believe it (what am I saying, of course we can believe it), Carol DaRonch, the star witness who was able to escape from out of his car, was crapped on by her own

    Question: what would happen if McCarthy just—refused to honor his promises? He has to know he’s given away most of his power to the nutters. What if he just kept it? Didn’t seat them on committees, take out the “one person can move to vacate” rule. What might be the consequences?

    Great comment. I feel tremendously sorry for both of them. They’re both very damaged men.

    Good to know for sure—thanks.

    I’ve been saying this for years. The word bullying has ballooned to a ridiculous degree--it’s almost meaningless at this point. And I know the online book “community” is especially prone to waving it around like a flag. Google “Stop the Goodreads Bullies”--it’s enlightening. Basically to those people, any negative

    I believe spare is also British slang for crazy--isn’t it used in Harry Potter that way?

    In bleach!

    We watched it in 10th grade at a movie theater (a re-release). This was during the Chicago Tylenol scare and when Romeo drank the poison, someone in our class yelled out “Liquid Tylenol!”

    He wanted to have Tiffany aborted, IIRC.

    Jesus! Seriously? I know her mother was not the greatest but that’s terrible.

    I am indeed starting to breath easier after the third election in a row that broke well for Democrats. And the historian in me knows that sometimes terrible times lead to improved conditions--the Magna Carta was signed because King John was such a spectacularly terrible, abusive king that his barons essentially

    Can someone explain why counting cards get you banned? Aren’t most card games supposed to be based on skill, less luck? Counting cards is a skill, no?

    to unseat his brother and nullify his nephews’ claims

    I had a FB friend who slowly went down that path all during 2020. He started posting more and more conservative posts, while still aggressively insisting he was independent. I rarely interacted with him but his friends were calling him on ALL his crap, including “you say you’re independent but you are parroting every

    You bring up good points. I guess I’m thinking of how much it would take to turn your back on a lifetime of being steeped in an institution which is also your family, and your country as well. It takes some time to come to a realization like that.

    Good point. But it’s still terribly sad that SO many voted for him. Just so sad. I’m still processing the trauma of the Covfefe administration—I’m sure that sounds dramatic but when I realized the results of the election—that an eminently qualified—over-qualified—woman had lost to a racist, misogynistic, moronic POS

    Really solid analysis!

    She’s bi-racial, divorced and American. But it’s mostly that she’s bi-racial and dared to marry in the BRF. That kind of change throws a certain type of person into a tizzy. (After 8 years of a Black—well, also bi-racial but I think Obama identifies as Black—president, American went crazy and elected The Worst.)

    On tumblr there’s a group called Royal Confessions and the sheer amount of hatred spewed toward her...over and over I’ve pointed out she gets ten times the vitriol that Andrew does (in that group)...crickets. I call it out every chance I get. This woman is utterly harmless and the visceral hatred for someone you will

    Harry absolutely did the right thing and I’m so glad he supported her. They both did the right thing and eff the rest of the family for taking affront.