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    Oh, that’s brilliant.

    I feel so bad for you. I hope things get better. I understand the insane pressure, especially for Moms/wives at Christmas. I hope someone spends a day just taking care of you.

    BAM. Exactly, She is furious now that no one is kowtowing to her anymore. Look at meeeeee!!!!!!

    A month of Sinema being irrelevant, due to Dems winning the Senate.


    I love how everybody has a comment for everything. Have some discretion. Yes it’s tragic that a child is so alienated by their shitty dad’s shitty policies, yes it [sic] maybe [definitely] home issues but most parent’s [sic] try their best [not this one]. And unless they are harming the child [he is] it’s their


    Right? It’s lazy both-side-ism, which only furthers the narrative that the stalker is pushing. His misogyny has been on full display for years, and his hatred of her for neatly stepping aside and refusing to be drawn in is part of that.

    Thank you!

    How was it a feud when she refused to let herself be baited? He constantly tried to engage with her; she mostly refused. That’s not a feud—that’s his obsession.

    Just shut up and get the shot dude

    He did two tours in Afghanistan.

    I remember when it came up in Downton Abbey, I found it wildly unlikely. But yes, apparently it has happened a few times. I hate the trope as well, though.

    Especially when Takei goes well out of his way to keep it alive. When Bezos invited Shatner to go up in that Blue Origin manned shot, Takei openly questioned why Shatner had been asked, and said he himself should’ve been asked instead. And sniped that they hadn’t really gone into space, they’d simply gone beyond the

    Regnant, not Regent.


    Centered on a group of entertainers whose simple quest—spread the holiday spirit amid the tensions of World War II

    I agree, I’m mostly teasing. I’ve heard enough that I do believe Hooper was the main guiding force behind the movie.

    No Poltergeist?

    I grew up summering on the Vineyard where it was filmed—we were all terrified to step into the water.