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    Yes, Charles and Norton are second cousins.

    God, yes. Stop trying to make Dawkins happen.

    Marla looks....fucking good. Tiffany’s dress is tasteful as well. Kimberly—oh honey. Black at a non-black tie wedding? Not. Done.

    I just looked this up--at least on the Wikipedia article, Parker Posey doesn’t appear to be anti-trans. I don’t dare google the other name.

    Right?! There is something deeply off about her face. (I’m not saying she’s ugly, there’s just something—disturbing coming off of her in waves. If this picture were a cartoon, there would be little wavy lines rising above her.)

    Nah. Covfefe won because this country hates women. And Bernie Bros definitely hate women. So fuck you for enabling his election. We only lost three Supreme Court seats, no big deal, bitches be whining’ amirite?

    nah, it was awesome

    Good point, will do so from now on. Thanks for the gentle correction :)

    S/he seems personally offended at this take—s/he is all over this thread. Why are the commoners so quick to cape for their heroes, who wouldn’t spit on them to put out a fire?

    He looks absolutely dreadful. He is a living Dorian Gray portrait. 

    In the book he says that they wanted to be on Netflix all along but YouTube outbid them. 

    I’m reading the book now. It’s an incredibly loving and sweet memoir by a guy who seems to have made mostly right choices and who clearly prizes an incredibly special project in his career. It’s all very refreshing.

    Show me on the doll where Maya Rudolph hurt you, honey.

    They’re both really stupid takes but the town of Salem enthusiastically merchandising its history as a town of “witches,” when the 19 who were hanged went to their deaths rather than falsely confess, is vile. It’s a betrayal of the sacrifice they made. (It’s also a-historical because the bulk of the trials actually

    I didn’t even realize there was a second season. I loved that first season. I remember watching it the cold, lonely winter of 2021. He made me want to go back to Italy and experience all that amazing food (although now that they’ve got that horrible new PM, I doubt it will be any time soon). And it was wonderful

    He is absolutely despised throughout the DC area.

    Thank you.

    You don’t know shit about what women want, and respond to. No one here is interested in your “incels have feelings too!!!” crap.

    Can you plead the Fifth for a civil suit?

    I know little about Don Jr.’s private relationship with his own dad, but I highly doubt that even on his best day, his dad has ever left him a voicemail like this.