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    Stealing from hungry children. Can’t get much lower than that.

    Yeah, she’s self-interested but she didn’t have to speak out about it. At least she evolved. It’s a perfect evolution but the fact that she’s speaking up--at what will likely be a huge personal cost to her safety--says something.

    The original novel is creepy. as. fuck. I read it when I was like 10 or something--I remember it vividly describes Pinocchio’s being hanged.

    Grandchildren in the male line. Princess Charlotte’s children will not be prince/princess once William assumes the throne, unless William issues a LP to that effect.

    Wait, what? The USWNT won the 2019 WWC.

    I was just coming here to post that. We played France in the QF, England in the semis and the Netherlands in the final.

    C.S. Lewis had a similar arc and subtext--they were close friends. But his Middle Eastern proxies--the Calormenes--doesn’t exactly hold up under the modern gaze.

    “This white-black person is terrible and should not exist.”

    Also, just--block up the entrances to the caves. Have the dragon drop a bunch of rocks in front. Now not only can’t they get food, they can’t even leave.

    Re: Crabfeeder, I mean, yeah, his mask looks cool, but I would be kind of pissed off if I was one of his men and all he did during battles was stand around nodding at whichever one of my buddies he was wordlessly sending off to die while failing to take care of his eczema.

    Oh God, Charles Dance. One of my absolute favorite parts was Tywin’s scenes with Arya in the second season. What a brilliant change on the original book. Their scenes were just electric--two such intelligent characters bouncing off of each other.

    Oh, that’s who Robin was. The one who kept reading out loud from her Bible and then smirking at the others? God, it’s been forever since I watched that season (or indeed, any of them past season 5 or so).

    Well, that goes a long way toward explaining his loss. Orange skin and tiny hands are a huge turn off.

    Yeah, it’s a little confusing in theory but after a few times in practice—with pundits (like yourself) explaining how it works, the process becomes clearer. I know I was a little confused filling out my NYC ballot last fall (and I’m certainly not happy with the result) but having someone say how you can push someone

    Why are journalists getting her outfits and cheering for her in court like its a football game??

    [Insert Hermione gif saying “Excuse me, I have to go vomit.”]

    Hope it was worth it, Bernie bros.

    The puritanical ‘that bitch cheated ergo she’s a monster’ vibes in the comments are shitty, and sadly unsurprising.

    Crucible Cast Party and the Olive Garden ad. Oh yeah, and the “Complicit” perfume ad.

    It’s disgusting, is what it is. You can scream about legalities all you like, it’s still gross.