April 24 2019.
April 24 2019.
I can’t get passed those eyes. They make me feel uncomfortable. So, I’m not about to pay $12.99 to sit in a theater and be uncomfortable for 2 hours. I think this movie is going to bomb big, and it’s going to be entirely because of those eyes. Uncanny Valley.
> Claire’s favorite movie is from 2035
He might have said “do not” rather than “don’t”. I am going off my faulty human memory.
Since I don’t stutter, I can only assume you heard me.
> After an ill-conceived attempt to introduce spontaneity by presenting her with a cake at 3 o’ clock in the morning
3:14AM. Pi o’clock.
Nice save, Mike Phang.
I’m having trouble working my way through the season as well. It feels like a rehash of the first season.
That entire opening exchange, before the title credits, had me laughing and smiling like hell. This show is so adorable.
And then the excitement of the entire crew over a first contact mission. Again, this show is so adorbs.
The Hazy Shade of Winter cover:
You think the title is spoiling Frank being Amy’s Dad? LOL. The title is simply referencing his long buried Dad skills.
Must have discussion, or the A.V. Club will shut down reviews of this fine show.
If you miss ST:TNG, watch The Orville. It gets a lot right about Star Trek, and it isn’t quite so antiseptic.
The group masturbation tweet. The Goldstein is a Jew tweet. The Flitwick + Sprout tweet. They were all fakes.
I imagine that’s what would happen if you gave an eyedropper of tequila to a baby bird.
Not the character. The writing. The showrunning.
Thankfully I stopped caring about Sherlock after its piece-of-shit, overly self-indulgent second season.
Well, that’s a fuck of a long wait.
I hope they start filming S4 soon, so that they can start yearly at around the same time.
Actually, based on the episode codes on the Wikipedia page, last season was supposed to be 13 episodes. The finale we got last season was the 13th episode filmed. This was the first episode filmed for season two. The next episode on Thursday was supposed to be the 12th episode of the first season.
I love this show. It’s ST:TNG with some bite and some real human-based humour. As much as I enjoyed ST:TNG, it was always antiseptic.