Werewolf Jones

I'm a Werenstein Wolf.

I'm too lazy to find it—it's Saturday night, what do you expect?—but imagine here a GIF of McBain informing you that that, indeed, was the joke.

"Woodward and Bernstein"? When I was growing up it was Woodward and Berenstein. What the hell is happening here?

When are they going to release the silent version with the cool intertitle dialogue cards?

—-GRRR bub—-

Foo fighters
Alien Ant Farm
Living Colour
Lou Reed
Elvis Costello

You guessed it

Biggus Dickus.

That's beautiful man.
And no, I don't believe it's morally wrong to not inform your imaginary girlfriend of your imaginary daughter, especially as that imaginary daughter is, presumably, from a different, imaginary woman.

This guy seems needy.

Call me crazy, but I really feel Dick York edges out Dick Sargent as the better Becky.

You should ask Putter how she feels about this before doing anything too hasty.

His vault, however, was a great disappointment.

We should check in on that son he says he had in his early 20s.

Maybe it did but it went over our heads. There's really no way of knowing.

I find myself referencing (in this case quoting) Shel Silverstein twice in as many days. So be it:

She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by-
And never knew.


I dunno. Trout never really seems welcomed, exactly.

Could be a Horseman.

In that he's used his insidious nanobots to harvest the life-force of underage Facebook users? Huh. Interesting theory. I think you're onto something.

Is Zuckerberg still a teen somehow? He looks like he'd be waiting outside the liquor store asking me to buy for him.

…go on.