Werewolf Jones

I hope it will be Fire Walk With Me style.

Yes, but it will depart more suddenly and unexpectedly.

Roger Corman is on line 2, should I patch him through?

I, as a rubber*, wouldn't argue that, but you, as a glue, would.

This makes me miss the Superego podcast.

If you're smart you'll buy all the alternate cover Blu-rays when they come out, especially the ones with the cool holograms. Keep them mint, and you'll put your kids through college on this investment.

I would gladly pay you Tuesday for Jones gravely injuring himself in his pool today.

Do you even audit, bro?

Only a Suppressive Person wouldn't enjoy these tasty treats.

For Our Consideration: Why In The World Do Dragons Have Thigh Gaps?

Oh, so only female characters matter?! Missandei! Misandry!

Good, because Lisa needs braces.

Man, that pope guy's alright. Most people balk at expired oxys in a Dorito bag, but he was cool about it. Whereas that Benedict jerk stiffed me.

That's just stinkin' thinkin!

He said Bill was not good enough or smart enough, and doggone it, people don't like him.

It's true what they say; the cancer's always AIDSier on the other side.

What about a remake of It's A Wonderful Life, and like 90 minutes of it is everyone in the world praising him for his sexual and business acumen, and his cosmic indispensability as the Corner Stone of God's Great and Huge Plan? Would that fulfill the geysering void? Probably not.

Awwwww, remember when we thought 2016 was so terrible? That's so quaint now, those cute widdle halcyon days.

"Emmit 'Parking Lot King Of Minnesota' Stussy", huh? I'm Werewolf "Porta Potty Pharmacist Of Philadelphia" Jones. Times have been sorta tight lately…I wonder if His Highness is hiring.

And why doesn't Iron Man dance anymore?