Werewolf Jones

Brandt can't watch, though, or he has to pay a hundred.


According to the police report, the problem was your "wild and untamed thing".

Well, Ricky, don't dream it. Be it.

You should see the vermin living in my VR headset. Really adds a tactile element to the experience.

He was terrific on Sunday's The Leftovers. That canine DNA thing really had me thinking.

Heynong Man!

Serial II: The Legend of McLemore's Gold.

Taxicab Confessions sold out, man.

It's called "peacocking".

Why don't you ever read the headlines? It's renowned pickup artist Mystery.

"What is 'of times it was', Alex."

"How much for the Minnesota Double Coon?"
"Mister, if you have to ask, you can't afford it."

So it was like a 5th column kinda thing?

Sleep really lost the war once Chill defected to Netflix.

"I used to like Xenomorphs until I found out they smoke pot."

Wait, "The auction ends on Thursday, April 20"—that's 4/20…"that existential bullshit would just be extremely annoying without someone to roll their eyes at it". ROLL, like a joint…there's a reference to Woody Harrelson smoking pot…I'm starting to see connections here, people! I need more twine for my board…

That's a much more succinct and entertaining story than mine. And that's so Fox's M.O.
"We really don't have much in the way of journalistic interest here."
"Nah, it's cool, there's a guy in his undies and some barking dogs; just slow it down, add some ominous music, and like change the lighting."

It's so dense! Every single 4th dimensional cognitive-holographic-omni-synapse has so many things going on in it!

They had heard/assumed all sorts of nonsense, as I had lain low over the weekend; when I arrived to school on Tuesday, those who'd thought I was on the run no longer thought so.