Werewolf Jones

My assignment, as I chose to accept it, was to tell Ortenzia what Bernie has "done to improve Vermont or the lives of Vermonters. Just one fact." I provided several. Many of these accomplishments sound pretty good to me, on the level of small town mayor anyway. As for what he has done for Vermont specifically since

Well, Wikipedia corroborates every point listed above.

Here are several from his time as mayor of Burlington:

(Cigar drops from mouth)
Kid, you're gonna be a star.

Needs more CAPs and misspellings, but overall not bad. 4/5 stars.

Yes, I too like to ride my bicycle. But I was told there'd be fat bottomed girls…

No one owns me!

I think you mean Dizbee, the Disney movie about the honeybee that bravely overcomes vertigo.

…I'll be in my bunk pew.

God's gonna be pissed when he hears this guy yell "I AM A GOLDEN GOD!" before jumping in the pool.

Did the Melvins not know?

And then he asked congress to authorize military action, as is their job, and they refused to do anything they'd have to stand by later, so nothing happened.

Alright, I had to google it, and I'm glad I did. Thank you.

Their craft services are atrocious; it's just warm milk and prunes! The boom operators can't lift the damn things, and make-up says you look like a harlot!

Psib in The Middle (of the series Breaking Bad).

One of the tracks is the three living Beatles auditioning new Pauls.

If you're an autocratic dictator into sexual harassment you get a free stay at any of his luxury hotels.

Uh, no Peg.

Downvoted for only one use of WICKED.

Do podcasts count? I listened to almost all of S-Town yesterday. Pretty good stuff.