Werewolf Jones

My workout has finally given me pecs for the first time in my life, and it's offsetting the hitherto prominent gynecomastia.

Actually, now that you mention it, I think it's a type of low-budget film typically characterized by the use of nonprofessional wizards and naturalistic or improvised performances.

Dumblecore is the newest anti-fashion trend.

Strunk struck again!

Remember the Puntusi?

-(A goddamn robot)


They eat large quantities of Taco Bell; they won't live to old age.

Oh yeah. It's been awhile since I read the book, so I'd forgotten that he'd investigated it. At least the change was intentional, opposed to The Secret History, which is riddled with errors. Which may be intentionally?
I don't think that invalidates the whole book though. I guess we'll see in a few months!

Not at all. That movie is meant to elicit either excessive imbibing or outright teetotaling. No middle ground will do.

Or Wake in Fright.

If ghosts aren't real, then explain why I live in a state of constant dread.

How did the movie invalidate it? I don't recall any outright contradictions.

And Fire Walk With Me proved her to be an exceptional actor.

The first time I saw The Room—or even heard of it, outside of that Tim & Eric episode, which I took for a goof—was working 3rd shift on April Fools, when Adult Swim replayed it on a loop all night. I was certain it was a Tim & Eric thing.

I was hoping someone else would utilize this song so I didn't have to. I can barely remember my relatives names, but for some reason I can recite every lyric to this song from my juggaglo phase in '97. The human brain is a fascinating thing.

Didn't someone recently get charges pressed on them for sending someone that Amazon Dash gif?

This was a really well written, smartly incisive write up. Thanks IV.

Tried to fight the creeping sense of dread with temporal things
Most of the time I guess I felt all right