Werewolf Jones

"Hail Satan"?

I think I speak for everyone when I say Everett Backstrom forever.

Yes, but what sort off smut was Itchy watching at the time?

Have all those people tried? Or is that just your go-to list of influential celebrities?

That's $1295 per board.

That was my thought. I almost made the same damn jokes in this thread. Can you imagine the faux pas? How would I ever show my face around here again?

A.V. Club, please don't suggest people look for reasons to complain to hotel staff. It's an unrewarding enough job without some asshole coming up to the desk, waving a UV flashlight, and asking the staff to accompany them to their room so they can show the employee an invisible stain (that the guest may very well have

That would have tipped it from mildly droll to full-bore risible.

Oh sure, he's a hero, but when I try to make people watch me manhandle deli meat, I'm barred from the Walmart. Hypocrites.

Absolutely. But I guess we should have more faith in the AVC.

They have beatboxing washing-wenches.

Dirty Realtor, coming this fall. Staring one of the lesser known Sopranos guys.

Look, being encased in carbonite is a terrible stress on the system.

Maggie won't give him leave from the farm.

I'd settle for Lebowski Quote Generator.

He wasn't a very convincing werewolf.

Don't over-share with internet strangers? Then what the hell am I supposed to do here?