Werewolf Jones

Why do costume logos need justification?

Chad Kroeger and Bodhi…Publix? Safeway?

Yeah, but it's easily counteracted with a thorough mercury scrub.

VPD: Why are you being so serious?

Yüe gonna spüe?

Improbably, he's side-hugging women in about 1/3 of Tinder profiles I see. I guess he could just start charging.

Comcast is Philadelphian for "spite house."

How do I reach these keeeeeedz?
"Education is a vaccine for violence"

Our sports fans, yes, but also more generally our raison d'être.

Today in Pardon My Pedantry: I don't think that word specifically connotes fictionalization; used in reference to biographies of non-saints it implies excessive adulation and perhaps credulity, but not out right falsehood.

So those Cracker Barrel creeps got to you too, huh?

I know, right? I've been holding my smoke-filled breath for 12 years now.

That sounds like something Steve from Blue's Clues would get.

Welles had surprising b-ball chops in The Third Man.

The AVClub is always sticking it to The Justice League! They must work there or something.

You hang over? Braggart.

It's got all the charm of a no-budget '90s soft core Skinamax film, without all the pesky nudity!

It's really developed a sizable fanbase over the last decade or so, in no small part due to streaming. If anything, the problem may be that it's too provocative, that is if it resembles Fire Walk With Me at all (and Lynch, being uncharacteristically forthcoming, has hinted toward the importance of that film as a key

And then the murders began.
(Are we still doing this?)

Also it's Chocolat. Sexy, sexy chocolat.