Werewolf Jones

If that's the only lesson you've taken away, it''s no wonder you're a rock n roll listening Free Mason.

It says "How to Cook Forty Anarchists"!

Certain Sony TVs are paying attention to your jerk off habits.

I'm at a loss. Would you mind explaining this statement?

Oooooh, because of MacBeth. I get it.

Eat a foot!

You've had a hard time convincing me.

His buddy FDR was deemed a "class traitor"; they probably laughed about these things over morning cocktails.

An evergreen response to Great Job, Internet.

It sounds like the real culprit was Jean Valjean.

Look at this jokerman.

Sir, he was a mutant.

Oh my stars and garters, they look nothing like Hank McCoy!

Seniors from Mars
Where's our Medicare?
Seniors from Mars
Where's our Medicare?
Seniors from Mars
Where's our Medicare?

Ok, but we're keeping Kurt Russell, and that's final.

You've got worms too?

Can't you hear me yell-a?

Now how do we go about disappearing Gene Simmons?

Today I learned slightly more about Anal Explosion Death Matches than anticipated.

It's like there's a party in my mouth and everybody's invited!