Werewolf Jones

She is the Babadook.

I thought this episode had achieved the impossible in making me no longer despise Marnie, but when she started Marnsplaining her rich love life to the shop worker, the universe seemed reasoned and orderly once again.

Please expound upon the top two in great detail.

Yeah, that was going to be my gimmick. I'm so rich with comedy I can just let gold like that go to waste.

Twelve interconnected variant covers.

I had an Arseface Disqus account, but I never used it because comics are for kids. I'm willing to sell, if the price is right.

Bruce Vilanch. <sob>

In junior high school I thought it was a hip new clothing line, what with all the T-shirts.

Granted, I'm being hyperbolic. For that I apologize. I agree with your assessment of jumping to extremes (maybe I'm tending towards my lesser instincts as I'm under-slept and trapped on a cross-state bus, but enough about me). My fault with her is unwillingness to even entertain the notion of the young lady telling

I stand by it. I was spitting with rage. Her attitude at the time was despicable; still evading the truth, and denying her role in what happened, all this time later is monstrous.

This really reads like a Don't Watch This.

Regarding the This American Life episode; that still-doubting foster mother is one of the most horrendous human beings I've ever been subjected too, and she should be forever exiled from society.

This review says the girl fell into a tree. What? Like, from the roof?

In terms of Seminal Series, I would absolutely tackle Sandman before Miracleman. Its reputation is so hulking that you may be disappointed to some degree, but I really can't fault the plaudits.

There's so much great Iggy stuff in Please Kill Me (a book too popular to need my endorsement, but I just read it and it's on my mind). One thing that sticks out is Iggy, so bored with all the blowjobs he's been getting, declines a proffered one, and says to the girl she can just lick his stomach a bit.

If I didn't already love this show I'd be really turned off by this trailer. Something about the music and editing make it seem like a Disney tween thing.

I was working on a theory that all this indoor shooting has left everyone long since deaf, and they're just really good at lip-reading, but then how do we explain the walky-talkies?

I just finished Please Kill Me and the article convinced me this book (of which I'd previously been unaware) is the perfect and logical next step.

Yeah, it's a strangely specific demand, especially as they seemed to be largely hands off otherwise.

Also, Woody Guthrie died of Huntingdon's, so that one's reserved for badasses.