Well, he was acquitted.
Well, he was acquitted.
And why the fuck would you want a pizza box that Tim Cook has been using as a chair?
How do your dick wait?
Hamburger in a can.
I took first dates to bed.
Try suing!
They add in filing costs to the settlement.
Saul Goodman.
Going down on Skye…
I'll be in my bunk.
My Jr High girlfriend taught his sensei everything he knows about lovin' and fightin'.
Good catch!
I was so pissed that the departure wasn't going to be explained and Linelhof kept throwing Lost twists at the characters for no discernible reason.
I'm still grinding away at it. Whoever wired me was drunk.
* the "pop" of a bursting bubble.
I don't know. Maybe. I can't keep up anymore. I wouldn't know half the people you guys go on about if they were in my bed.
Yeah me too man, me too.
More like give it to the top…1%.
Selina is really pissed and depressed that she lost the presidency. She's meaner to everyone.
* reads today's headlines