
But you never know when you might need a mandolin!

Even without Patti's acoustic (and yes, I believe that it has been occasionally left out of the mix), there's still too many fucking guitars in that group. Bruce, I know you like both Van Zandt and Logfren, but you know what? Between, them, you, the piano, the organ, the occasional violinist, and the HORN SECTION you


You don't know what goes on in Brooklyn Heights - there could very well be lairs!

Seriously, what the hell? It's fucking ARCHIE.


Yeah. That's about what the CEO of a cheater's hookup site should look like.

But they're all the same people as a decade ago. There's nobody new picking up the baton, so they're still hanging around. That doesn't mean that the culture/scene that bred them isn't dead.

Maybe-kind-of-sorta-related: how fucking great is it that we can finally close the book on that era - and, ideally, that whole culture? I mean, yeah, there's always nostalgia, but even that won't bring it back! It's in the past tense!

Fight the power! With satire funded and produced by the power!

Oh, definitely - I'm not defending him. Just listing some of his odd legacies.

And he's not the only one (influenced by Clark's photographs, I mean) - Scorsese was also a big admirer, I think.

The weird thing is that Clark's photographs were a direct influence on Van Sant. Clark supposedly even decided to get into movies after seeing Idaho.

Robin who?

Yeah, but she threw that all away because COMEDY!

Where did I say that?

Oh, absolutely. I'm just railing against those that still do believe in that.

Yeah, I'll agree with you on that.

…Isn't this technically an anti-Boomer song? I mean, it's all about a member (albeit just barely) of the quote-unquote Silent Generation rebuking pretty much the entire 1960s.
