
Nah, everybody dies. Dying is mainstream. The punk thing is to live forever!

You mean that you by sellinng out, you were actually being more punk than anybody, because punk is about rebelling against everything, up to and including punk, and that all those other punks who care about punk weren't actual punks?

Liked for Hancock/Mitchell.


Zen Archer - Todd Rundgren
Bitters End - Roxy Music
I've Had Enough - The Who
Flash Light - Parliament
My Girl - Pet Shop Boys

I thought that was Dee Dee?

Haven't seen that yet, but I got that vibe big time from the sample. But yeah, still gonna watch it.

Well, he has kids right now, so that makes sense.

The only real problem that I have with Rifftrax's humor (besides the first draft thing mentioned above) is that it's reaaaally obvious which jokes were written by the younger writers. Hearing a 50-year old man reference a Tiny Toons character is…disturbing.

I haven't seen that, but I wouldn't be surprised - even in riffed form, NOTLD hardly screams 'laugh riot'.

"I'd love listening to Trace (even though his heart wasn't in it)"

The live shows are almost always better than the recorded material, and I bet it's because they actually take some time out to polish the jokes and the delivery. The VODs always seem like first drafts.

Hey, someone keeps downvoting ME! Thanks for nothing Dorek!

…Isn't that the whole point of the show?

Wait, what was Klausner's issue with It's Always Sunny?

Fair enough, but Todd's writing (for me) has way more problems than I feel like getting into. The grades are really just shorthand.

Same with the grad school reference, though - the payoff was just sooner in coming. That's why I put "foreshadowing" in quotation marks.

Yeah, I've heard that theory before. It still sounds obnoxious, for a whole bunch of reasons.

"When the series was new, I was anticipating a show where every episode
built into a huge, overarching film with one voice. Now I see that what
the show has actually become is just as interesting: a series where each season is its own little collection of personal essays."

Actually (and I've thought about this) this relates to my stageiness problem. It seems like they're trying to split the difference between realistic rhythms and readings and heightened, exaggerated ones - and they've landed on an unhappy medium.