

The lyrics really are terrible. I mean, everybody's already harped on the hypocrisy of a guy who kept a meat freezer full of fur coats singing "imagine no possessions", but even if he was an ascetic monk, that would still be awful. I'm a raving anarchist who believes in the abolishment of private property, but that

Uh…sad? Disgusted? Horrified? Angry? You know.


Yeah, that was assault. Even if Dunham doesn't see it that way (I think that she called it a 'terrible mixed communication') that's what it was.

I said that I'm TRYING - morbid curiosity occasionally overwhelms me.

Okay, so I'm purposefully trying to ignore this show/Dunham at this point (and I've never felt better!), but I gotta ask about one thing: so Adam the probable rapist is the "moral center" now? And they made a huge joke about the woman he probably raped being crazy two episodes back? What's going on with that?

You realize that I was just kidding about Todd forcing her to write a good review, right?

I'm a avid feminist, so I would say that you're off base here, yeah.

Conspiracy theories my ass - it's well known that Todd rules this website with an iron fist! WHICH ONE OF US IS NEXT?!

Okay, I'm all for film-school wankery, but this just sounds like he's mistaking basic modern directing/editing technique for unique genius.

Oh, come on - for almost every positive, there's a negative. That's the very definition of a mixed review.

This really doesn't sound like a B-plus review - it sounds like you're trying to paper over significant flaws because you feel like you need to (because you so enjoy the other parts of the show? Because it would feel like giving into the 'backlash' to criticize it more harshly? Because Todd is standing over you with

Actually, I think she's cute. I just wanted to be respectful. (For instance, I haven't called her an idiot yet!)

As I've said before, I have no problem with Ms. Dunham's physical appearance.

Because it's SATIRE, that's why!

Yeah, yeah, of course, why wouldn't they, quelle surprise. Bigger news: Apatow finally seems to be cracking under pressure. (Or has he been? Anybody reading his Twitter?)

EDIT: Too harsh.