
I am well aware of the human rights violations in North Korea and the current state of their government and the condition of their people. Their justice system is not like ours. When you go to a country, you operate by their laws and are aware that you are subject to their justice system — not all countries are

They didn’t sentence him to death or torture or rape or stoning or some kind of inhumane method of treatment (obviously that depends on what qualifies as “hard labor”).

But the hostile takeover is ostensibly done by someone else and then at the last minute she pops up and is all “sorry pops it was me all along GUESS I’M JUST AS GOOD AT BUSINESS AS A SON HUH.”

I kept misreading kingia as kinja. But Elizabethkinja would be more like a parasite, sucking away at my work productivity.

The garbagiest.

It’s not right from our perspective that such a hash punishment would be meted out for a minor offense, but that’s our perspective. He voluntarily went to North Korea where these are the laws. They’re no worse than some of ours, given how they’re pitching his crime. We put people in jail for years for minor drug

I don’t think they are, if those are their laws. They didn’t sentence him to death or torture or rape or stoning or some kind of inhumane method of treatment (obviously that depends on what qualifies as “hard labor”). Those are their laws and punishments. It’s not right, but they’re not in the wrong.

Yes. Let them become independently wealthy scions of whatever industry they choose to grab hold of (and then donate all the money to something because even if I want them to succeed despite their shit head father, down with the rich, etc).

Take a minute to click on the link about the crash and how Sause responded to the family of the young man she murdered. You feel a whole new wave of fury over this woman’s reasoning for having the kid.


That poor kid and his poor sisters, who were basically just told via major news outlets that they’re not good enough.

That’s absolutely true. Though one could argue (and should, because they’re right) that going to North Korea is a ridiculous thing to do in the first place.

I’m not sure it qualifies as victim blaming when you do something that ridiculous. The punishment obviously doesn’t fit the crime but he’s not a total innocent in this — follow the laws of the country you’re in, particularly when it’s a dictatorship with no diplomatic relations with your home country.

I was under the impression that he was drunk and stole the sign. Everything else about the confession (trying to destabilize the work force, being supported by the US gov, etc) was obviously written for him.

But how? Ask if people are Muslim? People can just lie. Quiz them on the old testament? Most Christians and Jews would fail that test, too.

I’m genuinely curious how people think it would be possible to keep Muslims out of the country. Setting aside the racism, xenophobia, and monstrous degree of generalizing extremists to a group of people — literally how?

People who comment on the internet are lame.

That’s what I’m saying though. There is no double standard there because cat calling is unique to women.

Cat calling is a dumb example because, with the exception of celebs apparently, the threatening aspect is more or less unique to women (which he acknowledges).