weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

It almost seems like this is the one thing for which “Executive Privilege” can be claimed. Except...the legal analysis I keep reading and hearing states that since Mcgahn was allowed to talk to Mueller, Executive Privilege has already been waved and it can’t magically be reinstated.

“Initially, he was retained while she was released at her request to pursue other projects.”

Yep on Jon Snow. Another thing: Why is there even a Night’s Watch anymore?”

I rewatched Last Jedi the other week and as the film neared it’s end, and this old fan relished all the callbacks to previous films, I made a promise to myself: if Rey turns out to be Kylo Ren’s previoulsy unrevealed twin or cousin, I will never watch another Star Wars movie or cartoon again.

I’m going to do something virtually unheard of on these iterwebnets... I’m going to admit I made a mistake, and even explain it...

These so-called conservatives have so far been able to make the uninformed believe that their hatred of abortion and is about caring for the unborn and religious liberty. That argument starts to fall apart when they say the same about birth control.

I don’t know that I believe the speculation from the other day that GRR Martin has his own final chapters written and waiting to be released, but I have no doubt that he will want to publish his own ending to the saga.

“I’m more a drunken-kebab-at-2am kinda girl.”

“Murrah is currently out on $2,000 bond.”

So many questions...

You are right. This is an undergrad dean, *his wife* works at the law school. Not sure how I misunderstood that...

Weinstein is a horrible excuse for a person if the accusations against him are true*. It’s understandable for laypeople to want the worst for him, including not affording him rights which should be afforded everyone, but which we all know many of us aren’t afforded.

“We have a dishwasher and a washer/dryer. The dishwasher has not been used once in the last 8 years. Faster and easier to just hand wash a dish when your done using it.”

I gotta say Dany losing her first dragon was the last time I was able to suspend my disbelief.

While decriminalization would be a good first step, I’d argue it doesn’t go nearly far enough.

Some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met ranged from poor AF to lower middle class.

“[...] It’s why he’s claiming executive privledge because its a difficult one to refute. Difficult because the requester to show their cards on WHY they need the data before getting the data [...]”

Some of this is absolutely misogyny, so I get why many are angered by the criticism, but there are other reasons for the criticism.

“Just a note, people born in the late 60s through the mid 80s can and should check their levels/get a booster. I believe the highest risk is for 68-75 but you can easily double check that. Ask yourdoctor/pharmacist/local health department. I live in a measles free city that is unfortunately about 10 minutes from

The list of unwinnable fights this asshole picks grows...