weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

I agree that people aren’t going to have perfect recall, but this isn’t a question of if one was wearing a particular brand of shoe, or jeans. It’s not even about properly remembering a day or date, or the weather when abuse is alleged to have occurred. This is about the age an accuser was when abuse was occurring.

I acknowledge how difficult it is for me to conclude that MJ molested any kids. MJ and the Jackson five we’re a big part of the musical culture when I was growing up. The music is something I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to completely let go of.

Why do you assume that I assumed you were white?* Not understanding the struggles of African Americans isn’t an affliction reserved for white people.

You typed all that instead of “I don’t understand the struggles of African Americans”.

And, BTW, can I just say how happy I am that Rahm’s little ass is riding off into the sunset? Whatever skill set he had might have been useful in the White House, but boy did it not fit running a city like post-Daley/post-2010 Chicago. He really thought that like his predecessor and his father that he was going to

I don’t care enough about the Knicks or Crypto Porrigsnacks to research it, but I half remember someone speculating he wasn’t really as badly hurt as advertised back then. I know there are lots of reasons it’s implausible, but if he or the team exaggerated the injury, then your very reasonable observation isn’t as

Ya know what? I’m tired of stressing over how the last and the next dumbassed thing this senile tangerine does will effect people who look like me.

Many of us have been saying that the long overdue #metoo movement would be the death of creepy uncle Joe’s Presidential campaign. The fact that he seems to have been caught totally by surprise that such allegations (with other allegations already on the record) came to light on the eve of a probable Presidential run

While I’d be fucking ecstatically giddy if the NRA went away (and nothing took its place) I have a hard time believing that’s really going to happen.

$20-$25 million sounds laughably low for such a collection of businesses and endorsements. Hell, even if he only cleared an average of 10k a month from each Five Guys (which I think is low) that’s 1.55 million A MONTH for all 155 restaurants.

In the era of #metoo he had to bring it up. It’s on the minds of everyone who is paying attention.

3. I firmly believe that the House Republicans voted to release the Mueller report because they know damned well that the Senate would block it. They get to claim that the party isn't against releasing the report while simultaneously doing everything necessary to do just that. 

You are absolutely right of course, but there’s even more to it.

Weird that you are still responding to someone you believe to be a troll...

If you really thought I was a troll you wouldn’t have responded any of the times you did. I invite you to cease doing so now.

Always hilarious when someone insults then acts dismayed when the insult is returned...

Wow.... Does the saddle hurt? I mean looks like you spend a lot of time riding around white knighting and all...

Where to begin? She kidnapped Tyrion Lannister while her husband served as the hand of the king. A king married to a Lannister. While the King was bound to the Lannisters by not just honor, but debt. Oh, and her 2 daughters were with her husband in Kings Landing.

I disagree. In the books Catelyn is more or less a woman who is as consumed with honor as Ned is. That leads to her feeling, saying and doing a whole bunch of dumb shit - just like Ned.

“Dude is a probably senile, racist, incompetent, walking pile of garbage, but all those traits make it extremely unlikely he ever orchestrated or was trusted to be a part of any sort of conspiracy by any party.”