
That implies that friendship and sexual attraction are mutually incompatible. They’re not.

I’ve many friends whom I’m attracted to and would, were circumstances different, cheerfully sleep with. The fact that I’d be interested in having sex with them doesn’t negate my friendship with them, nor does it get in the way

You know, if you really like a Nintendo-related fan project, don’t post it on Kotaku, because that’s like a hotline to Nintendo’s lawyers ready to push the shutdown button.

Ugh at this topic. I’m glad you got someone who actually does localization as a profession for the podcast, because being bilingual and playing Japanese games, I feel like a lot of these anti-PC, anti-“censorship” people don’t fucking get that a lot of shit in Japanese games literally won’t make any goddamn sense in

If the government or an outside body were to force a localization team to remove certain elements of the game, it’s censorship. If a company decides to change some things about their own product in localization, because of how they want to present themselves in another market, because of how gamers in another market

The way I see it, Nintendo markets Amiibo more as a collectible (i.e. you buy it not because of some sandbox game like Skylanders / Disney Infinity, you buy it more out of “I need to collect these”). And the demographic seems to be adults who like to collect (sentimental/nostalgic) stuff, rather than kids (which is

If they went the Digimon route they could have battled :/

“all the demo laptops we put”

But if the whole team never ever can make a deadline, is the problem with the team or with the management? In most businesses, if you don’t have the manpower to get it done in 40 hours a week, you get more people.

I blame a lot of this on corporate influence in our government. Back in the day, positions that were exempt from overtime pay were very rare, and basically limited to jobs such as certain lawyers, doctors, and other positions that had weird hours, but also paid $200-300k a year. However, more and more jobs are added

I think part of the problem is that ‘crunch’ isn’t used as it’s supposed to be in the game industry. “Crunch time” is supposed to be a kind of safety net, where if various things didn’t come together as originally planned then as the deadline approaches everyone puts in extra hours. Maybe some requirements were not

I’m still surprised we pretend we can figure out bigger, deeper issues in society and entertainment, when we can’t even guarantee we don’t give ourselves stress-related ailments or severe sleep deprivation while making a damn video game.

Actually, though, deciding between “Should I make a game that will sell as many copies as possible?” and “Should I make the game that I’ve envisioned?” can be a tough decision to make.

It still amazes me how many people don't understand the concept of free speech. You're a moron.

Motoko has a custom-built body made to look like a generic, off-the-shelf model to avoid attracting attention. Making it look Western in Japan really wouldn’t fly.

That’s not how taxes work. Like, nowhere.

Putting random non-autonomous cars on the road would just slow the automated ones way down which would kind of defeat the whole idea behind it.

That’s silly and puritan to the point of being ridiculous. There is a place for sex appeal and fanservice, the argument is that it shouldn’t be 80% of all games, not that it shouldn’t exist at all.

Something tells me you really didn't read the article.

Well the point isn’t to suggest that you *need* to do these exercises after consuming the food. It’s just to give a more relatable equivalence for people who have a poor grasp of how many calories, grams of fat, or grams of carbs are appropriate for a snack.

looking forward to literally a thousand comments about “sjws” and “censorship” and all the other talking points