
Still better than this crap...

So, now that you have today covered, I’m wondering, how do you suck the joy out of life on the other 364 days?

You’re the only one that has actually been reporting on this stuff which is shocking. though I also feel like if we don’t have a discussion about this now, then this will be forgotten in a day and it will happen again. We also should not forget about the others before this either. I am still disappointed in this

I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.

It’s a little depressing to me that “parent with daughter who wants to play game with daughter” is now “SJW”. There is still sass and sexiness in the game - look at Widowmaker! - I think Blizzard just wanted to have a female character who was more sass, less sexy. They realized that the pose added a few too many

They didn’t need to think about it because they agreed with the complaint. Devs are allowed to listen to feedback they agree with!

I’m consistently amazed about how up-in-arms people get over devs going “hmm, actually, I agree with you” with gamers that dislike X or Y elements of a game. In the Widowmaker video linked above, the video creator added a notation saying he “hates feminists” because of a removed butt pose. Devs aren’t allowed to agree

You opened yourself up to a flood of bitching. I’m sorry.

I need to watch whatever anime this game is attached to. This game looks messed up.

The entire point of a beta is to get player feedback and then act upon it. Blizzard did exactly that.

They don’t cry censor of stuff they don’t like. It’s very much a one way street.

I think we need to stop using “SJW” as an insult.

It wasn’t even remotely sexual? Are you nuts? That’s a stance that has been used to show off women’s asses in advertising for years. There’s no other way to stand like that. It’s super awkward. Seriously, try it. Her whole lower body is planted directly away from the theoretical camera position, yet she’s looking over

You know something strange? Reflecting on things made me realize one thing: The women I noticed who are less prone to wear yoga pants/leggings as everyday wear fall withing one social strata: Upper middle-class Millennial women. They tend to wear stuff meant for a younger audience and try to wear as little make-up as

They removed some magazines from an outhouse that featured female characters. It was not the result of a bunch of complaints, they just did it on their own.

self censorship

When you say maturing as a medium what do you mean? I keep hearing that and it’s always a nebulous answer.

I’m surprised that the Toronto Transit System can get so many busses and drivers on the road within half an hour of a sudden subway shutdown. As you said, they don’t have the same capacity and people get really pissed off but they eventually get to their destination.

The last incident was YESTERDAY at McPherson. That’s why they are doing it tomorrow.