
It happened with ALL online games launch. ALL OF THEM. If there is angry/surprised players they are retarded.

Seems like you’re overreacting. Remedy is trying something new, and this is a solution to a problem they encountered. Why’re you turning it into a completely separate DRM issue?

Nintendo doesn’t need to explain themselves to these people. It’s not their responsibility that a very small group of their fans are angry about basically nothing. I’m willing to bet that they’re not even aware of this supposed backlash. And why would they be? As the article states, Fire Emblem Fates is selling

It’s not Fire Emblem without Permadeath. I’m sorry it just isn’t.

Stop buying games at launch.

I miss the whole 3d platformer with world level genre, it kinda died with the Simpsons game that was pretty good.

Thanks for the advice and congrats!

This is the most sensible thing I’ve seen in this thread so far.

That’s awesome, and hats off to you for making that change! Three years ago, when I moved from NJ to SC, I was up to 295 pounds. After about eight months of serious exercise and changing what I was eating, I was able to get to 250, and stay there, but have had significant trouble getting below 250. Recently, I had

I miss beer too much. Gym, gym, gym, gym.. But what you said is about right for me as well. I eat salads daily, no more fast food ever. I cook fresh food that i shop for daily or at least every other day. I cut carbs back as far as foods go because i well make up for it with good o’l beer. Keeping an active lifestyle

The game plan for weight loss and keeping it off is developing a new “normal” which is a slow and arduous process, but once its in, its in. The weight will start to fall of at a steady and healthy pace and stay down because the salad is no longer something you hate, you now enjoy it.

Lifestyle change ftw!

That GIF deserves an award.

Agreed. I mean wtf why is this even an article or a thing being talked about? No sarcasm, I mean legit, wtf is this? Why is this even a topic point, its a digital persons bikini that is too revealing for her quoted age in a country that greatly frowns upon that. They’re trying to sell units here, not fight the man.

I feel the same way. Nobody in the west wants to see a 13 year in old in a bikini, except people that make us very very concerned. I really don’t even understand it from an eastern perspective, to be honest, but that is the definition of cultural differences.

Even though the initial cost of a computer is higher than a console, yearly membership fees, controllers and per game costs tend to even out things in the long run.

You know what? NO. As an adult, Xmas presents mostly suck. As an adult, Thanksgiving kind of sucks because you can’t pig out anymore without guilt (and maybe also heartburn and what have you). As an adult Halloween sucks because you don’t get to go get a bag of free candy like you used to, and if you do, it’s the same