

I might not like his videos much, because i don’t play most of those games, but those are all valid points that he brings up in his article.

No no no no no. This is NOT the solution. This is taking something AWAY from the experience to appease corporate overlords. The solution is to fix the broken copyright system so that fair use is actually fair. Period.

Because you can be laying in your bed or taking a shit while playing

I’m also not a fan of Collector’s Editions without a physical copy. Its the reason I cancelled my Homeworld Collector’s Edition.

Did you want your 3 year old to kill himself?

What about people like me who quit years ago when they realized how terribly it affected the psychology of its users?

Well, I wouldn’t call it dialogue HEAVY, but what there is of it is fairly important - you might have a hard time understanding why you’re doing things without it, since most of the plot is handled in character exchanges.

Bad move to announce IGNITION before the US release of the basic game... Now ppl won’t buy that one and wait for IGNITION & SEGA will claim since noone supported the basic one they won’t release IGNITION states side...

So Cell in his perfect form just Pokémon style?

Having visited France, I can assure you this man has no idea what Metal Gear is.

There aren’t many people like you. Most people say money is a motivator, but money is a temporary motivator.

Would have been a great Sci-Fi horror title.

The fact that the Lancer isn’t #1 is a problem. I agree with the torque bow though.

Elementary indeed. But also, I die inside a little bit everyday Capcom doesn’t announce a release for this. Preferrably Physical so the data isn’t more compressed to fit on the e-shop (AATrilogy features a huge amount of DXT compression artifacts. Hampering the quality of the beautiful artwork and sprites compared to

This always bothered be about Halo. People act(ed) as if the game and series reinvent FPS’s and videogames in general. The game did a lot for console FPS’s, especially in terms co-op and online play, but in terms of gameplay I always felt it was just a very well made and refined game oppose to being a completely

So I just bought this game the other day on Amazon. It finally hit $20 on a sale, which was exactly the price I was hoping to pay for it. I’m only a couple hours in, but there definitely is SOMETHING here. There is an insane attention to detail, and while most of it is ultimately superfluous, it’s fascinating to see a