
Would still hold out for the NX at this point. This direct made it very apparent that Nintendo doesn’t want to squander its Wii U games that were of high quality but unfortunately didn’t do well becayse of the small player base.

To me, it is so very odd when asking this question in reference toa Nintendo franchise. It’s about spreading the brand and building awareness as well as new opportunity to draw in new customers. Nintendo does it with every major IP, some far more than others, but it’s part of their strategy to make their IP’s

This is perhaps the smartest way to allow it to live on:

I am not disagreeing with you, I am asking to take a moment recognize the position you are coming from with saying that, one that (I assume) is steeped in Western ideals. Something we deem as reasonable, others may not, again, its all relative.

Its all relative to ones culture and their own issues.

I would wager that feminism in those countries is a little farther back so to speak. What we would call normal, is a bit more radical of an opinion in South Korea.

It depends on who you talk to and what way Jesus is depicted. I know having a Black Jesus for example will get a fair amount of ruffled feathers. But, lets also consider for a moment that Jesus doesn’t equate to same status as Hindu gods.

Feel like Crunchyroll is slacking this season, seems most of what I want to watch is else where.

Out of curiosity, when you pick a dash button for something that has multiple different choices or variety, how does it pick between them? I assume you set them up before hand or do you not have a choice at all etc?

Out of curiosity, when you pick a dash button for something that has multiple different choices or variety, how does

As I mentioned, “One can’t tell if the decision to change something in this case is self-censorship or the NUMEROUS other reasons that could exists” which is why I also say, “If you want to disagree with a design in a game, that’s your prerogative , but to claim its something like self-censorship without proof is just

Self-censorship, generally, is a term that likes to get tossed around to demonize ANY change someone disagrees with. The main problem with self-censorship, is that its impossible to prove without either being the creator or being told by the creator as self-censorship is a comment on the intent behind said change.

You misinterpret their mocking, its not towards the article, its towards the future comments section.

I would say people are aware of said issues, most don’t exactly have a true understanding of them, I would put myself in that category.

Its irrelevant that the issue came about before Pokemon Go, the time of the issues start does not bind its discussion and relating to that discussion to that time frame.

That chart simply shows arrests, not convictions. Arrests do not prove someone committed a crime, hell, convictions don’t either (but we accept that with a margin of error), which is kind of my point. For which we judge someone as committing a crime is an inherently flawed system for various reasons, so again, how

I mean, you are more then welcome to explain how one can tell apart censorship and artistic freedom in a non-complete product.

To play devil’s advocate, how can you reliably prove that?

Sensationalism is a blurry line with loads of gray in the middle. I would hardly call bringing the attention of an existing issue through a new phenomenon sensationalism . Pokemon Go is just being used as a platform to bring up the discussion and issue in another light.

There are TONS of apps and games that murder your battery. Perhaps the top example I can think of in terms of apps is any Doppler or Storm Tracker apps that constantly check the radar, they murder your battery because they sit in the background continually checking up to see whats happening. Hell, even twitter can be

I agree its a multi-pronged approach, but when thinking of phones its basically been a “never catch up” scenario. Again, this is not a bad thing, but it means that the efficiency that is gained is instantly being used for the smaller form factor and increased specs, resulting in battery usage remaining largely the