
Own a Wii U, never played Splatoon, Phone battery life has been an issue since smart phones, play other intensive games and watch your battery become devoured.

Im not going to pretend to know how Pokemon Go renders or that there isn’t improvements to be made, but I imagine a large part of the drain is simply you have to have XYZ running as well for the whole system to function properly. And simply put, Phones are continually designed for “looks” rather than function, more

This highlights the issues of current phones more then the game.

Purfect Politics...

Its essentially a left over Stat from previous Dark Souls games that at somepoint was deemed too powerful, most likely due to the general increase in speed from previous entries. Instead of getting rid of it, they gave it a much smaller purpose, when it most likely would of been better for it not to exist.

Funny enough, this shows how ones own culture affects this discussion, one that is essentially about cultural norms. “Censorship is bad” is a very American cultural belief(although its culturally acceptable for minors), this is not to say its unwarranted, or that it is wrong or right, but in a discussion about

Of course the why matters, if you wish to speak of being intellectually dishonest, then ignoring “the why” would be just that. As shown in your posts, there are multiple assumptions you are making with your example that do a disservice to the complex discussion at hand, and yes, reasoning is important, in fact its

Except, you would be wrong. You have no way of proving the reasoning behind said changes are due to “self-censorship” instead of various other reasons due to the nature of what “self-censorship” is, which is the intent or reasoning behind the changes in this case. Since you are not the creator, at best, you are

Having played it, I agree, its a blast.

“Self-Censorship” however is impossible to prove unless you are the creator.

There is, in fact, a lot. Here are some “short” reads:

Perhaps I am being dismissive here, but I stopped watching the video the second that the term censorship was used to describe a character design change before release.

The Doom demo has turned a “I’m not touching this” after that Beta, to a “Il buy it once Vulcan support comes out for single player".

Adventures 3

“In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve."

Its a weird area for sure, consider for a moment its illegal to access information on a phone that is locked, but all information that is unlocked is free game without a warrant.

Fixed that for you.

A “small footprint” is but one factor that determines your overall “speed”

Different cultures have different values and care about different things. You can’t use one cultures values to discount another, just doesn’t work that way. Just because Japan doesn’t care about it, doesn’t devalue our care about said issue, because it is a cultural issue within the US, that in this case just happens

Wrong reply.