
Um....I hardly think a few messages on Kotaku counts as crying, its a discussion.

Again, the generalization. Using your example, I would agree with their ridiculousness, but this is not everyone.

No, but race is a large part of US culture.

Not that I am claiming this as well, but their claim is not so unheard of

And yet, I seem to not be, you however keep claiming it and nor are you able to provide why they(Japan) don’t care, a very important aspect of the discussion at hand. It also fails to consider others who have a “horse in this race” so to speak, Japanese-Americans or just Asian-Americans as a whole.

No they really do not care.

I am so glad to hear this is a winner, I am a huge Psycho-Pass fan and a few of my friends have become ones as well, so this will make Christmas gifts real easy :P

Mortuaries have advanced far faster in Japan it seems :P

Except “the role of a native Japanese woman who’d chosen to become a cyborg, and whose synthetic physical appearance was chosen to allow her to continue to blend in with the population of Tokyo” is an actual story based reason for her to remain Japanese

Being someone who has lost over 84lb’s over the course of the past two years (Started 265 and war around 250 for awhile, now down to 181), the issue is less of not knowing, but not caring, and I would not doubt that relatability when it comes to calories is one of the many factors that leads to that mindset.

Which is fixed by “Actual requirements may vary depending on the individual”. As others have said, the idea here is to relate your consumption with something you can easily relate to.

Could just not put the condiments on until you eat it

My only goal is to be able to stream outside my place, I step outside and my signal is strong but the internet steep is quite terrible, what option to go with here?

Now playing

If anyone is looking for a more “traditional” metal band that is also Japanese, may I suggest Merging Moon:

The irony of course being that making the change in the first place is “artistic freedom”.

She doesn’t have the exact same pose, but she has a booty pose.

You have no way of truly knowing that without being the person who made the change. Which means you are making an assumption as to why it was changed.

Shitty either way you slice it, she had to put up with the hell of Gamer Gate trying to defame her any possible way.

There is a huge difference in sex diminishing the value of something vs sex diminishing the value of this one situation. Not everything needs to nor should be sexy. Your argument is predicated on the idea that that this is an all or nothing thing. Once again, “sexy butt pose” was only removed for THIS character.