
It is literally impossible to prove this unless you are the creator.

There are just so many issues surrounding it that it has formed this tangled mess that requires all of them to be talked at the same time, but largely many get overlooked, just to short hand this:

You can literally argue this in the opposite view of your own as well....

Not what I said at all.

If that is your issue/priority in your purchasing, by all means, act on your feeling.

People decide and subsequently culture. It’s always changing and different between different people/cultures.

Haha, thanks, it surprisingly not that bad. The point is this conversation is not as straight forward as many people would like to paint it as, and in fact is involving many more complex issues that many like to wash over as simply“its this!”. These types of issues are ones that need to actually talked about, not

But, the problem is, you can’t really prove it without being the person who makes the decision.

“That argument would hold, except they decided to remove the magazines over some complaints.”

Why not? When is it ok to make a change like this? At what point does a game become “untouchable”? And for what purpose does that serve?

To your first “Yes” then, how can you (am I not speaking generally, I mean literally yourself) prove that something is self-censorship without being the creator?

I forgot what the other was, thanks for that.

It can be seen at knee jerk, but thats simply were we get into peoples opinions. I see it as them bringing their character design in line with their (character) actions and don’t see cutting an emote as a big change in the slightest.

*shrug* but its one of the many reasons I hate English grammar :P

Its actually brilliant that you bring that up, and, while I don’t wish to lump everyone in this same group, many who share this censorship craze tend to fail to realize what you have just brought up in your post, innocently enough, people from different cultures/background think/interpret things differently. Simply

It depends from the creators stand point, if they see their character as only “avatars” that the player can graph much of their self on, I see your point. But if they intended for there characters to have more depth and identity, then you run into the “problem”.

Because they’re smart enough to know that out of millions of users, there’s a possibility different people may look at characters differently?

You certainly can interpret it like that, but demonizing has a certain “evil” factor that I am not getting when using the term “bland female sex symbol” when its presented as factual or informative in their argument.

But why should they have to do that if they agree with it? If the point was “this character shouldn’t be sexy because it doesn’t fit the character” why should they concede on it? I understand from the point of not upsetting the masses, but from a creation aspect, if they believe that is a valid point, why “half ass it”

Fun thought experiment, prove its censorship.