

That’s a good question and I am not sure I am the one to clear up that answer :P Like art, I think its just one of those things that everyone has their own answer to what it should be.


Mainly because its next to impossible to tell if its actually happened or not without being the person who “did it”.

Ok, what about censoring children from “explicit images”? Or Adults from “explicit images” of children? That would also be a form of censorship.

The same thing that stopped them from removing the rest. Your claiming its a slipper slope but hardly one “step” results in an entire chain of events.

Can one self censor a non completed work? Is all censorship inherently bad?

Ok first off what is

As much as I agree with it would of gone over so much smoother silently, this is just all part of the pain of games maturing as a medium.

Before everyone looses their shit, its one change, to one character, made well before release of the game, that actually has a logical reason to it. So before the purity police get here and argue that any change is bad to the original work (which in this case doesn’t exist yet) or that this is Blizzard “caving to

The incident of the death occurred in January, in addition to that, there was a fire that occurred just this past Monday that is thought to be related to the same issue that occurred in January. This most recent issue is why the emergency work is scheduled, there is far too many factors involved to simply go “14

Its right in this article and else where

No, the death was earlier in the year, but another incident, which was deemed related to the previous one (causing the death) occurred Monday. So they shut down for massive repairs.

Damnit Square! This was the platform I wished to play it on, it seems perfect for a handheld. Guess its a toss between PS4 and PC now.

Super Excited and can’t wait, especially with the additional news that New N’ Tasty will be getting a Limited Physical run as well.

What does one do with a smart watch anyway?

What does one do with a smart watch anyway?

I just want a new Pokemon Pinball, why are you so adverse to a new Pokemon pinball!


The tests most likely reveal their servers simply wont be able to handle it so they do the best they can to make it work as well as possible knowing this. Simply put, the cost to have the ability to deal with launch day spike (an anomaly in servers loads in comparison to the rest) is not worth it, because that extra

And what you see here folks is the main issue with social media, its volatile and messy, and values popularity over substance. One can simply look at Rapp’s whole situation as a sign of this, attacking her paper without proper consideration of what it is saying, and if you to disagree, you need to read it, otherwise