
K.K. was a hipster before hipster was even a thing you could be.

Honestly this is the one time “FOMO” will never get to me. I’ve been playing AC back from the Gamecube days. I’ve learned that time traveling and cheating does nothing but ruin the enjoyment of the game. Me and my roommate will bicker about it all the time. He cheats, I don’t, he’s already complaining about being

HOLY SHIT! I didn’t think they would actually do it! Automata was amazing but Nier was way better. I was buying Nier day one on the 360 and everyone laughed at me until I forced them to play it and they fell in love. This is such an underrated game. 

There is a very excellent Nier/FF collab Raid in FFXIV, I think anything is possible really. 

Fix what, it works perfectly fine. 

You do realize animal crossing has always, ALWAYS been 1 town per system/memory card, right? 

Shin Megami Tensei V was announced when the Switch was revealed and we still have zero information on it... :(

Considering Arms was a big demand for the original game, I’m surprised it wasn’t included in the first wave of DLC. 

It was a masterpiece from the start. So well done. 

Well maybe they wouldn’t of had to explain it if y’all stopped crying about parentage and being a child of a legacy character. It could have been that she was just strong with the force like some force users are/aren’t but noooooo you had to have a bitch fit and when you got what you wanted you still fucking cry. 

1. You are horribly wrong, Solo still exists and this was fantastic.

Wasn’t done perfectly but that third act had me on the edge of my seat with excitement

Well after a terrible day, this is news to slightly cheer me up. 

You have Zarya the butch Russian and then you have Mei the fatass who makes my ex look like a twig. 

Maybe a step backwards but it looks a hell of a lot better than Detective Pikachu

Number 11) People actually still watch Riverdale???

Have to say that Tarantula chasing the character gave me a panic attack, until the spider committed suicide because it was so dedicated to it’s murderous life. 

They literally talk about that. There isn’t but there is so you can recover if you break your Switch but not regularly accessed so you can cheat. 

They didn’t even need a direct. If you don’t know what you are getting with Animal Crossing then you have been living under a rock. 

Oh good, now I just have to pray it’s not vomit like the Witcher was.