If it’s a government agency they likely only have limited cover if anything. Government organizations as long as they are a certain size will often not bother with insurance as borrowing is significantly cheaper than premiums.
If it’s a government agency they likely only have limited cover if anything. Government organizations as long as they are a certain size will often not bother with insurance as borrowing is significantly cheaper than premiums.
I don’t know, I do policy for a living and we certainly don’t always factor that in, human factors are something you consider, but it’s not always something you require yourself to be bound to.
Modern aviation autopilots can do all those things, modern self driving/assist systems can also do all the equivalents.... Most of the time.
Problem is that people don’t understand the definition of auto-pilot. It works in the vehicle pretty much exactly the same way it does in aircraft, if you have it engaged in your aircraft you don’t get up and sit with the passengers. Modern aircraft could 90% of the time take off and land themselves, but just like on…
If you are in control you are in control even if the system is on as you have command authority over the system. Honestly I far prefer having these systems in addition to my own driving, I’ve driven with Volvos with it’s one level 2ish system plenty times and it’s a nice safety blanket.
To be fair subscription services don’t bother me, there are only a handful of games I play again and again and those I do buy. But for some I will happily use a subscription service if it saves me money. I got gamepass recently because it was dirt cheap and I wanted to play outer wilds and metro exodus, both games I…
Why carry two? How often do average people use a cable to do anything other than charge? The only time I ever need a cable that does data and power is if I am using a car, and even then they all do bluetooth anyway these days and it’s often just as easy or easier to connect wireless.
Not really, there is a breadth of what difficulty level means and there is a sweat spot in many games that balances the challenge with the story without being frustrating. In many respects that shows the game off for it’s best so it’s fair to make a recommendation for people to start and that can vary. For example a…
As someone nearly run over by Skylines in the UK they were disturbingly common outside of Japan and driven mostly by idiots with more money than sense aka pretty much every 22 year old pilot or engineer with a taste for speed going.
Only answer that matters: Because all my joints hurt from cramming a 2m human in a seat that is too small for normal sized humans.
The buy part is the key component, you don’t charge people extra for things they can’t help, if you insist on charging tall people for more room you need to do the same for the disabled and the elderly.
I once had someone get shitty about it, as if somehow I could grow shorter mid flight.
Guy is a total asshole, but he is right, it’s a needless change to make it a gender neutral term, the English language has gendered terms and changing them isn’t really for people to just decide to do.
British law incorporates natural justice principles and always has, it’s incorrect to state that’s a derivative, while US law is based on a far older variant than present in English Law it’s not that old and while precedent and statute form a significant part they are not inviolable(at least in the correct application…
It’s a natural justice principle used throughout most of the world.
Doubtful, you have no expectation of privacy in another persons home so even in one or two party consent conditions you would be in the clear.
And? People have sex, it’s probably the only thing you can guarantee almost everyone is going to do. The underlying point is that there is no intrinisic value in the data beyond the services it’s delivering to you and the training given to the software as a biproduct.
Racism is a problem everywhere, but Europeans don’t define race as black or white it is far far more nuanced and complicated. To an “American” perspective all Europeans are white, but to a European most countries have multiple races even among those that share the same skin pigment. In the most readily understood…
I’m not sure it necessarily would, French Courts don’t practice the same form of law that’s common in most of the world by my recollection and don’t have the same international impact. If it was a UK court I would say it’s more of an issue as English Law is far more applicable internationally, it’s why the Australian…
It looks nice, but it’s not a replacement for the Defender. Not like we all didn’t know it despite Land Rover saying otherwise. But good to know corporate sleazebags still can’t be trusted.